Thursday, June 15, 2006

Go Diego Go

So last weekend we went to Silver Falls State Park. There is a trail that takes you past 10 different waterfalls, four of which you can walk under. I think the trail is about 9 miles, so that would be 18 round trip! I was all excited and thinking that we were going to do the whole thing... went about 5 miles round trip and saw four waterfalls. It wasn't too hard of a trail, but Mason started getting tired from all the walking he was doing and we couldn't carry him the rest of the way. It was a beautiful day and the surroundings were so gorgeous, waterfalls are one of my favorite things! I was really excited to be able to walk behind them too, I don't know why it is just something that I always thought would be cool to do. It was pretty cool, except for the fact that Mason was scared of going behind them. I think the sound was a little too much for him. He sure was a trooper though, no whining the whole trip and he walked a good part of it including up 186 stairs on the way back up. He loves stairs so any chance he gets to go up or down them he will take. He was one tired boy when we were done though and he fell asleep before we got out of the parking lot. On Tuesday we went to the Zoo. It was $2 Tuesday so there were lots of people there, and lots of field trips from schools, but we still had fun. We got there early and saw a lot of the animals up and active while they were getting fed and stuff. We even got to see the sea anenomies (sp) being fed their breakfast of carrots of all things, that was pretty interesting to see. My favorite part was the butterfly exhibit. They had all kinds of beautiful butterflies and it was pretty awesome. It was funny because as we were going throught the zoo I kept pointing out animals to Mason and Sierra (the little girl we babysit) that we had seen on Dora the Explorer or Go Diego Go, two of Mason's favorite shows. He can be throwing a huge fit and it I start singing him the Dora song he we stop right away and start saying, "Dora? Dora?" It is so cute! We are getting excited for Natalie to come visit in July. We are probably going to spend a few days at the Beach, including the 4th of July and then make a trip up to Canada and then back down to Seattle to see Donny. I am pretty excited for Canada, I keep talking all about it and looking for things to do and Todd just doesn't understand why I am so excited. Atleast some people understand my excitment!!! JJ is also coming to visit at the end of July and Todd took some time off and we are planning on spending most of the week at the coast. That will be a lot of fun.


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