Little Wonders

My little boy is a little wonder. I can't believe how much you can love something who you had to carry around in your belly for nine months and who caused you to gain 50 pounds that you still haven't gotten rid of, who has had some of the nastiest diapers imaginable that you had to change, who can throw a fit like the best of them when he doesn't get his way, especially if you are trying to get him to drink his milk out of his sippy cup instead of his bottle, who calls you Daddy when you are the Mommy, who could melt your heart just by looking at you with his big blue eyes and forget about it when he adds in his precious four tooth grin and a sweet "Hi". I am amazed at just how much I can love my little monkey. Sometimes it still amazes me that this little man is mine, that he grew inside my body, and that he will be mine forever. I am overwhelmed at the amount of joy he brings to my life and how much happiness I have just from thinking of him. His love of life and desire to discover and explore everything around him inspires me to do the same. I could go on and on about how much I love this little guy. Despite all the frustrations and sacrifices I have to make I wouldn't change one thing about my little guy. No matter what happens to me during the day I can always count on the fact that my little sweetie will be happy to see me and I have a snuggle session planned with him at the end of everyday. And you want to know somehting that is even more amazing.... I love this little man's daddy even more!!!!!
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