My Little Peter Pan

I just have to share a few cute things Mason has done in the past week. On Wednesday night we were sitting in the recliner watching Benji (YEA!!!) win the So You Think You Can Dance Finale and Mason noticed his shadow on the wall. He said, "Hi, Hi" and started trying to play with it. It was so cute and it reminded me of a little Peter Pan chasing his shadow. That night while the contestants were performing he also danced along with them, bouncing up and down with the cutest smile. We went to the duck pond on Tuesday night with Laura and Braxton and Mason was sitting in Laura's lap feeding Cherrios to the ducks and swans. He loves birdies and was having a ton of fun. When one of the swans came up close he reached out his hand to try to touch it. Luckily the swan didn't reach right back and bit him like the duck at the fair did! He also hit the swans in the head with some cherrios a few times, but I don't think his aim is good enough that he was doing it on purpose. After we were done feeding the ducks we took the boys to the park. I realized just how big my little boy is getting when he manuvered the entire play structure by himself, climbing the stairs, going across the bridge and up another set of stairs and then down the big slide. He would say, "weeee" as he went down and then would run back to the stairs for another trip. They didn't have baby swings at the park so when it was time to swing I sat in the swing with Mason and we went together. He loved it, saying, "weeee" over and over. But he liked it even better when I sat him on the swing and very gently pushed him all by himself. He held on oh so tight and had the cutest I'm a big boy now face on. On Monday I was checking out a website for a train ride we are going to take at the coast tomorrow. Mason came in the room and saw the picture of the train on the computer and said, "train." I asked him if he wanted to go ride a train at the beach on Saturday and he said, "uh-hu," grabbed my finger and pulled me to the door. I told him that we couldn't go right now and he pulled me again, but eventually understood that we weren't going just yet. Last night I was watching Chase and he and Mason were just so cute together. Mason is finally getting to the point where he plays with Chase and Braxton, not just next to them. They played trains the whole night with the exception of when they were eating dinner at the kids table and I looked over and Mason was eating the Mac and Cheese out of Chase's bowl and when they were chasing each other around the kitchen and screaming and laughing and talking to each other in the language only the two of them understand! I am glad that Mason has cousins so close that he can learn and grow with. Some days I wish that Mason could stay this age forever, but then I think about all the cute stuff he is bound to do as he grows and look forward to the new ways he will charm me each day!
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