Mason's First Kiss and other exciting stuff

Some of you might have already heard the story of Mason's first kiss. I just thought it was so precious! And to be able to catch it on camera, scrapbooking here I come! Actually I haven't really scrapbooked much for Mason's "official" scrapbook, just been doing lots of smaller projects. Anyway some other cute stuff that Mason has done recently, he sits on the couch with a book and "reads" it to himself. He turn the pages and babbles to himself and even giggles. It is so adorable. He really loves books right now and just wants us to read them to him over and over. We got some Dora ones at the library and those would have to be some of his favorite. He still loves to watch Dora and even has started saying "Backpack" and "Map" when these two characters come on! His newest word is "Excellente" he learned it from Mommy and repeats it whenever he hears me say it. I think it is his longest word so far. He has really become a little echo, copying all the words we say. On Saturday he rode on Laura and Skip's go-cart with Daddy. He had so much fun, smiling and saying "wee wee wee" the whole time. He didn't want to get off!! He is trying to learn how to jump, when he practices he squats down and then pushes up, throwing his hands high into the air and goes up on his tiptoes, it is so cute and he is so proud of himself. He is working on getting some more teeth in, one in the front and one of his back bottom molars. Yesterday we did Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes and this is one of his favorite new things. He also loves Row Row Row Your Boat, thanks to the Nursery Rhyme book from Nana Shauna, he goes to the book shelf and pulls out all the books until he finds it, saying, "row row" all the while and then brings us the book. He loves when Todd and I sing it to him in a round! We sure love our little guy, he brings us so much joy and laughter!!!
Oh my gosh! I can't believe how big he is getting! I really want to see you guys... I MISS YOU LIKE CRAZY!
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