It has been a while since I last posted. Not a lot new going on here, just trying to get some sort of normalcy back into our lives. Todd has been working as a supervisor for the past two weeks and will be doing so for a few more. It has been great because he has been able to work an 8-5 Monday thru Friday, with the exception of one late night Tuesday. It has been nice having him home at nights, but both Mason and I are still trying to adjust to having him gone all day. Since he doesn't get scheduled breaks sometimes we don't get to talk to him at all except at lunch. Mason is all confused about what his sleeping schedule should be. He still thinks he needs to stay up until 11 or 12 because that is when Daddy should be getting home. Then some mornings he will wake up at like 8am, this morning he didn't get up until 10am and that is only because I went in his room and woke him up. He is only taking one nap a day, unless he takes a cat nap in the car. He has gotten to the point to where he will sleep through most of the night most of the nights. Usually if he does wake up it is about 5am to have some milk and then go back to sleep for a few more hours. He is talking a whole lot more, he says, "All done," "choo choo train," "bye, see you," "where did daddy go?," and will copy pretty much anything you say. He is learning all the family members names and just loves looking through the photo album I am putting together for him. The other night the whole family was together and Mason was looking through a book of Thomas stickers and we were saying all the names and then all the sudden he points to Todd's dad and says, "There's Papa!" and then just went right back to the book. Tom was a proud Grandpa that night! We are teaching him to say "Trick or Treat" for Halloween, it is pretty cute to hear him say. The other day he was playing with his little people farm and if you turn a wheel it plays Old McDonald. Well he turned it and the music started playing and he started singing along with the music. The only thing I understood was "E-I-E-I-O" but I thought that was pretty cool! It is amazing to see and hear all the new things he learns each day. I have been keeping busy with my calling, October means the Primary Sacrament Meeting Program. Luckily I didn't have to write it, but there is still lots for me to do. We are looking forward to October 8th which will be Mason's first day in nursery. I am curious to see how he will do. The secretary in the presidency has a 3 year old who will be in the nursery with Mason, and Mason is afraid of him, so it will be interesting to see how he handles being in there with him two hours every Sunday. I think he will cry, but will calm down, and will stay close to the nursery leaders. I know Todd is excited to finally be able to attend classes without the distraction that Mason can cause! We sure love our little man and he brings so much happiness to our lives!
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