Whale Sighting

So we went out to the beach this weekend and ofcourse had lots of fun. We didn't do anything big this time, it was nice to just kinda hang out. We drove down to Tillamook and went to Cape Meares and saw the lighthouse there. We also saw a whale spouting water, it was soo cool. It was really foggy there, so we only saw him for a few minutes before the fog bank rolled in and we lost him. Todd just wanted to go boogieboarding all weekend and finally got a chance Monday morning. He ofcousre had to wear a wetsuit because the water is totally freezing!! But he had lots of fun until he saw a fish jump in the water and got spooked by it because that morning he had heard about how Steve Irwin had been stung by a sting ray and died. It looked like Todd was having so much fun that I decided to give it a shot too, with the wetsuit ofcourse. Even with the wetsuit the water was still freezing but I tried a few times before I got out! I guess once you have been in the water in Hawaii nothing else will do!!! Anyway we had a lot of fun at the coast this weekend. Mason absolutely loves the beach, but has wised up about how cold the water is and runs away from the waves instead of into them. Although he still loves to go out in them if someone is holding him. He loves running in the sand and enjoyed digging in it while Todd was boogieboarding. His favorite part about the beach is all the birdies and doggies that he sees on the beach. A lot of times people will bring their dogs over for Mason to pet and he just loves that. One morning when we were walking on the beach he just sat and watch these two dogs chase their balls into the water. He would just laugh and smile at them!! He also started saying two new words/phrases this weekend, "stuck" and "go train go" we also figured out that he says "azul, azul, azul" (spanish for blue) which he learned from his favorite Dora episode where Dora rides a blue train named Azul and says azul to help him go fast. It is pretty cute! We sure enjoyed our summer and were glad we were able to spend a lot of time at the beautiful coast. Now it is back to real life, Sierra will be coming back 2-3 days a week and Todd will be starting classes at the end of September. He will be taking 3 classes this quarter so he will be super busy. In the end it will all be worth it though, we just wish the end could get here faster!!! We are excited with the news that another niece/nephew is on the way, Matt and Teri are expecting and Laura could be soon. She is doing an invetro process and should find out in about two weeks if the first set of eggs worked. We are excited for both of them and are crossing our fingers for a little girl!!!
I totally forgot about your blog. I bookmarked it so I can rememeber it to read it once in awhile.
Aunite Jenn
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