Oh how I love the Fall

I have really been enjoying this fall season. I love the beautiful colors as the leaves change. I love the few warm days left and the cool, crisp nights. I actually am looking forward to some rain, but come December or January might be changing my story on that one! I love getting ready for the Holidays, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. With a little one it is so much more fun! I love being able to wear sweaters and boots again. I am just excited about fall I guess. I was just telling Todd the other day how it seems like there are so many more trees in the fall than other times of the year because you notice the changing leaves on every single tree you pass, and there are so many different colors. The rest of the year when they are all green they just kind of blend together. But in the fall they all stand out so much. I love just going to run errands and seeing all the trees. Fall in the Northwest is beautiful! We went out to the pumpkin patch this past Saturday. It was a lot of fun. I can't remember a time that I have been to an actual pumpkin patch, so it was exciting for me. They had some pumpkins already picked and some still out in the vines. Mason had a lot of fun running through all the pumpkins and throwing them because he thought they were balls. Luckily he didn't break any of them. I think his favorite part was the train ride when we went throught the tunnel. He is obsessed with tunnels right now. He probably says tunnel about 100 times a day. Anything he sees that even looks like it could be a tunnel he will say it. He loves going between our legs and pretending it is a tunnel. He will say, "TUNNEL" to let us know he is coming and then goes right through. He could probably do this for hours! He is also becoming a lot more vocal about what he wants and what he doesn't want. If we ask him a question and he likes what we say he says, "YEA, YEA, YEA" but if he doesn't he will say, "No, No." I knew the day would come that he started saying No, and I was not looking forward to it. For the most part he is still pretty agreeable, but if he doesn't want something, he will let you know. I guess I would rather that he said No than just screamed! He is working on getting two or three new teeth in, but is still sleeping pretty good, which Todd and I are so thankful for! He is a good little boy and almost always very happy! We sure love him.
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