Swim and Sleep

Mason went to the swimming pool for the first time earlier this week. Laura and I took the boys to a rec center pool. Mason did not want anything to do with it at first. He was afraid of the big water fountain they had in the middle of the pool. After taking him down the big water slide a few times he started warming up to the idea of it all. Then we went into the 4 1/2 foot water where Mason sat on the edge of the pool and I counted, "1, 2, 3 GO" and he would "jump" or lean into my arms. This was pretty much his favorite activity until he saw the beach balls floating in the pool. He immediatly let go of me, he did have a life jacket on, and almost swam to the ball. We took him back into the shallow end and he actually walked around in the 1ft water after the ball. It is amazing what a ball can do to that boy!
Mason has also dramatically changed his sleeping habits. He awakes around 9am and will do his best not to take a nap all day, there is too much train play to mess with taking a nap; especailly since we brought our coffee table back out and it has become his train table! But around 4 or 5pm he will finally decide that he does need a nap, so he will sleep until 6 or 7pm. This means that he is awake until 10 or 11pm sometimes later. I don't know if the fact that Todd has been in school has changed this or not. Before Mason would nap around 1pm which is right after Todd gets home from school. I think that he has decided that instead of sleeping he should be up playing with Daddy. Todd gets home from work around 11pm and Mason has decided that he would like to wait until Daddy comes home and play with him for a bit before he goes to bed. It is all a little crazy to me, and I hope I can get him out of this pattern before it is too late. Luckily Todd will be done with school in a week! We will both be glad to have Todd back around the house for a little while, until next semester starts!!!