I have been looking at scrapbooking layouts on one of my favorite scrapbooking websites, creatingkeepsakes.com, recently. I have been getting a lot of insperation on how to design my layouts and also for pages that I want to make. The other night I got a killer headache and took some Excedrin Migrane around 6pm. It made my headache go away, but the caffinee in them kept me awake until around 1am. After Todd went to bed I went online and started looking at pages and pages of layouts. Then I finally crawled into bed and tried to go to sleep, only to start having scrapbooking insperations for pages I wanted to create of things that were happening in our lives! The next day I got yet another insperation for a page to create, or atleast of a memory I wanted to document. Mason had decided that he no longer wanted to sit in his highchair at the table but that he wanted to sit in a big chair like Mommom and Daddy. As he was sitting in his chair waiting for his chicken nuggets to cook he started singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" with the hand actions and all. It was adorable and amazing that he did it without being prompted!!! It was the first time that he had ever sang a song on his own and it was totally recognizable. While he was eating his chicken nuggets, I noticed that his highchair, which I need to get cleaned up and taken to Laura's for the triplets to us, was sitting behind him so I grabbed my camera. I thought it was a good way to show one of the "everyday" milestones that kids go through. I loved how Mason's head barely reached over the table, his chin was practically resting on the table top, and he probably couldn't even see into his plate, but he feels like a big boy and that is what matters. I just thougth I would share my little exciting Mom moment with you all.
Awwww! Did you notice how he's hanging on to the "big" chair with one hand while eating with the other?!! So cute! Thanks for sharing! Love you! ~Mom
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